Revised May 2018
Integrity and processing of personal data
For Formsmedjan, personal integrity is something we think is important. We therefore always want to strive for a high level of data protection. In this policy, we explain how we collect and use personal data. We also describe your rights and how you can assert them.
You are always welcome to contact us if you have questions about how we process your personal data. Contact details are at the end of this text.
What is personal data and what is the processing ofpersonal data?
Everything that can be directly or indirectly traced to a living natural person is covered by the concept of personal data. It is not only about names and social security numbers, but also about, for example, pictures and e-mail addresses.
Processing of personal data is everything that happens with the personal data in the IT systems, regardless of whether it is about mobile devices or computers. This concerns, for example, collection, registration, structuring, storage, processing and transmission. In some cases, even things that take place outside the IT systems can be seen as processing. This applies when it comes to registers.
Personal data controller
For the treatments that take place within Formsmedjan's operations, Formsmedjan is the personal data controller. (Formsmedjangruppen Holding AB regnr 556971-0154 Luleå, Sweden). For certain treatments, such as e.g. member registers and journal systems, the responsibility between us and suppliers is regulated in an agreement.
What personal data do we collect about you and why?
We mainly process your name, your social security number, your e-mail address and your telephone number. Sometimes additional information can be processed, for example your company with employees, but only if you yourself can be considered to have made the information public. For some services, you can also, but do not have to, state areas of interest. If you create a user account with us, we will also process your login details.
We process your personal data for the purpose of providing the services and products you have requested (for example healthcare visits, surgery/treatment, training or participation in an education). We will also process your personal data to maintain and administer our relationship with you and, where applicable, to administer the agreement with you or with your employer. We may also inform you about our courses, events and other things that we find to be in your interest as well as ours.
In addition, we may use your personal data to inform you about products and services that we offer and which may be of interest to you.
Formsmedjan always processes your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation. We process your personal data when it is necessary to fulfill a contract with you or respond to your request for service or when we have another legitimate and justified interest in processing your personal data, for example an interest in being able to market our services.< /p>
If Formsmedjan should process your personal data for any purpose that requires your consent, we will obtain your consent in advance. For example, if we want to collect medical records from another healthcare provider. Some personal data may be mandatory to provide, for example in order for us to provide a service or fulfill another request from you. This will then be stated or made clear in connection with the data being collected.
From what sources do we obtain personal data?
Collection of your personal data takes place, for example, when you enter your information in connection with signing up to book an appointment at our healthcare clinic, buying a training card, your company buying business services from us, newsletters, participating in seminars and other events, ordering services and/or products from us or contact us.
Who can we share your personal data with?
Personal data assistants
In some situations, it is necessary for us to engage other parties in order to carry out our work. This is, for example, about us using different IT suppliers. They are to be considered as personal data assistants for us.
Formsmedjan is responsible for signing agreements with all personal data processors and providing instructions on how they may process the personal data. Of course, we check all personal data processors to ensure that they can provide sufficient guarantees regarding the security and confidentiality of the personal data.
When personal data assistants are hired, it only happens for the purposes that are compatible with the purposes we ourselves have for the processing.
Actors who are independently responsible for personal data
We also share your personal data with certain